COSAV One Health
The One Health Community of Knowledge (CoSav) develops a cross-disciplinary approach bringing together human health, animal health and the environment, also known as the "One Health" approach.
- Agriculture
- Sustainability
- Carbon sequestration
- Epidémiologie
- Recherche clinique
- Immunologie
- Génétique
- Anthropologie
- Géographie
- Sécurité de l'alimentation
- Nutrition
- Microbiologie
- Biodiversité
- Entomologie médicale
- parasitologie
- Antimicrobial resistance, One Health, Domestic animals
JEAI STOPAMR: Stratégies One Health pour la prévention de l’antibiorésistance en milieu rural
JEAI STOPAMR: Stratégies One Health pour la prévention de l’antibiorésistance en milieu rural
The global spread of antimicrobial resistance is considered one of the greatest human and animal health challenges. However, the drivers affecting antibiotic resistant bacteria in livestock settings of low- and middle-income countries are still poorly understood, limiting the design of effective strategies to reduce this burden. The multidisciplinary JEAI STOPAMR aims to better understand the drivers of multidrug resistant bacteria circulating in Peruvian small-scale farms and reduce antibiotic misuse among farmers and veterinarians. The specific objectives of the JEAI include to identify the socio-economic factors and practices influencing the circulation of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli in small-scale poultry and pig farms, understand the conceptions of farmers regarding antibiotics use, evaluate a participatory intervention to reduce antibiotic misuse, and quantify knowledge on antibiotic resistance among Peruvian veterinarians. The JEAI will promote exchanges between veterinary and social sciences, the training of postgraduate students and interactions with farmers, professionals and public authorities to tackle the spread of antibiotic resistance.
ELDORADO-(E)cosystem, bio(L)ogical (D)iversity , habitat m(O)difications, and (R)isk of emerging P(A)thogens...
ELDORADO-(E)cosystem, bio(L)ogical (D)iversity , habitat m(O)difications, and (R)isk of emerging P(A)thogens...
Trypanosomose-onchocercose : le microbiome pour une lutte antivectorielle
Trypanosomose-onchocercose : le microbiome pour une lutte antivectorielle
Le syndrome grippal dans les forêts tropicales humides ...
Le syndrome grippal dans les forêts tropicales humides ...
PRESTO-Comprendre et atténuer les débordements zoonotiques dans les points chauds de la biodiversité..
Infections helminthiques: traitements et conséquences sur la santé et le développement au Sud
Infections helminthiques: traitements et conséquences sur la santé et le développement au Sud
Groupement de recherche sur la dysbiose associée à la malnutrition aigüe sévère
Observation de l'environnement, du climat et des maladies vectorielles aux frontières
Observation de l'environnement, du climat et des maladies vectorielles aux frontières
Groupement de recherche sur les arthropodes vecteurs en afrique centrale
The COVID-19 crisis demonstrated the enormous impact that epidemics can have on our societies.
This pandemic has shown that an integrative approach is absolutely essential if we are to improve our ability to prevent and combat them.
Finally, this approach is particularly important in the countries of the Global South, which are the front-line victims of these emerging diseases.
CoSav "One Health" aims to structure the IRD's research, visibility and operationalisation in this area through major themes, including in particular :
- Preventing the emergence of zoonoses, by characterising these emergence factors (global and societal changes) and imagining how they can be reduced,
- Carrying out intervention research, by being on the front line of these emergences, taking part in the epidemiological response as well as in the investigation into the origin of the emergence.
Our publication process
We would like to publish some of your work on the COSAV digital platform; if you are interested, you can send the document or link via the contact form below.
The published documents are related to the following themes:
- Governance
- Inclusion
- Security and human rights
- Mediation and conflict management
- Resilience
These resources can be of various types: reports or studies (technical, academic), journal articles, short notes or policy briefs, conference proceedings.
We give priority to recent resources (from 2010 to the present), but we are happy to extend our search to older resources according to the needs and suggestions of users and the relevance of certain resources.
Upon receipt of the documents, the platform administrator updates the document base.
For each document:
- He/she ensures that he/she has the publication rights and, if necessary, a formal request for authorization is sent to the owner of the rights to the document
- Once the rights have been obtained, the document is registered on the digital platform
- The indexing process is carried out by identifying the appropriate keywords and classification categories (themes, types and geographical areas)
- The document is put online.
Do not hesitate to let us know about any problem, we are in a continuous improvement process!
The COSAV Team